Sunday, May 18, 2014

Everyon Should Know More About Medicaid Home Care

Government benefit programs such as Lifeline Assistance, Food Stamps, Medicaid and many more are important resources in helping people with financial difficulties.They are important because some families struggle everyday just to find out where their next meal is going to come from and how they are going to pay for their next doctor’s appointment.

Having some experience, my family knows what it is like to struggle with our financial problems. We depended on food stamps just so we could have a meal each day, and Medicaid to pay for necessary doctor appointments. These government benefit programs helped us very much. If we did not have these programs my only meal would have been the free lunch and breakfast from the school cafeteria, and my family would have never been able to afford to go to the doctor.

We could improve these programs by having families on Food stamps receive a coupon on healthier food such as vegetables, and fruits. Receiving this coupon would help these low income families by making it easier to purchase healthier food. ¬Even though these families receive money on their food stamps card each month,does not necessarily mean it will last the whole month.

People complain about these low income families being able to buy items such as sodas, snack cakes, and chips; but what people do not realize is that these financially struggling families purchase these items because it is cheaper. Making these food choices is not exactly healthy but these families try to make their food stamps last for the entire month. Purchasing healthy food choices is more expensive than the unhealthy food choices. If these financially unstable people were able to make healthier food choices America would not have such a big problem with obesity. The healthier the food choices these low income people the longer they can live and have a healthier lifestyle.

Medicaid is very helpful to families struggling to pay for their health needs. Going to the doctor can be pretty pricy, especially for low income people with children or a disability.This program could be improved by making an easier way to have people apply and remain on the program.
In the Medicaid program there is sometimes uncertainty about some of the recipients using the program because the people have to reapply so many times to make sure that they will be insured by the government. Sometimes when the low income person forgets to reapply, they may lose coverage and be uninsured. During that time of being uninsured the person could get very ill without the help of Medicaid.  If Medicaid did not have so much paper work and made the applying process easier more people in America could be covered.

Even though these government assistance programs need improvement, they are important resources to low income families here in the U.S.A because they do not have the money to pay for their own needs. Without these helpful programs there would be many homeless people without any income coming in.These benefit programs help people with financial difficulties get back on their feet and so they can try to make income so they can become financially stable and support themselves.

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